I offer a range of bespoke, nurturing treatments including clinical aromatherapy, massage, reiki, EMMETT Technique and facial energy release.


Aromatherapy uses essential oils to holistically support physical and emotional well being.

I create safe, bespoke blends of organic and wild-crafted oils to support a wide range of symptoms - from stress and anxiety to muscular tension. Treatments include nurturing and advanced massage techniques to enhance the therapeutic benefits of the oils.

EMMETT Technique

EMMETT Technique is a gentle yet effective therapy. It is based on the belief that light touch can trigger a relaxation response in the soft tissues of the body.

Light finger pressure is applied at specific points and combined with gentle switches to unlock muscle memory, release specific muscle groups and allow the body to return to balance.

It can improve comfort and ease within the treated area, as well as a feeling of emotional well being and calm.

Facial Energy Release

A beautiful sequence of four deeply relaxing facial treatments. Rhythmical fingertip massage gently releases tension - restoring natural flexibility to the muscles and connective tissue of the face, neck, head and shoulders. The hypnotic pace lulls and soothes the whole body, mind and spirit - helping to create a healthier and more rested appearance.